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How to Create a LinkedIn Strategy for B2B Businesses

LinkedIn’s transformation from a modest professional networking site to a global powerhouse has been nothing short of remarkable. Since its inception, B2B marketers have sought the key to unlocking success on this platform. With millions of professionals congregated in one space, the potential for generating leads seems boundless, doesn’t it?

Indeed, there is a method to unlock the doors to success. The conventional wisdom on LinkedIn often falls short: 1) Join the platform. 2) Stay active. 3) Acquire leads. But how does one truly go about generating leads?

While one may stumble upon a few leads serendipitously, the real triumph lies in proactive prospecting, LinkedIn style. How does one navigate through the multitude of job seekers and pinpoint the qualified individuals for meaningful business interactions?

This article will unveil strategic tips to empower you in harnessing LinkedIn as a potent B2B marketing tool. And to streamline your LinkedIn Content publishing process, visit our website for this free LinkedIn Content Calendar Template.

Tips To Use LinkedIn Smartly

  • Turn Your Company Page into a Lead Generation Powerhouse

A deliberate approach is required to generate leads on LinkedIn, as leads do not materialize spontaneously; they must be actively pursued.

One effective strategy involves transforming a business or company page into a dedicated lead generation page, deviating from the conventional company page format that typically presents basic company information. This revamped approach aims to direct LinkedIn leads to visit the company’s official website.

To implement this, the structure of the company page should be carefully designed to guide users toward a specific conversion action, typically a click-through to the company’s website. Several key elements come into play:

  • Attention-Grabbing Header Image:* The header image is the initial point of engagement, and it should be chosen to pique interest or curiosity. For instance, HubSpot employs this technique using a header image promoting one of their informative guides.
  • Compelling Company Description: The company description plays a pivotal role in enticing users to take the desired action. Rather than providing a mundane account of company growth and office locations, it should directly address the target audience and invite them to convert. The initial two lines of the description are particularly crucial, as these are immediately visible to users, with the remainder accessible via the “see more” option. Crafting a compelling content strategy here is essential to capture the user’s interest.
  • Clickable and Conversion-Focused Recent Updates: The Recent Updates section should not be overlooked. By regularly posting updates that are relevant to the target audience, businesses can engage users and encourage click-throughs. This section provides another avenue for potential leads to explore the company’s offerings.

The effectiveness of this approach may vary depending on the industry’s appeal and target audience. Substantial leads can be expected for industries with broad appeal, while niche markets may require additional strategies for success.

  • Create a Showcase Page

Creating a Showcase Page for your business on LinkedIn is a strategic move to segment inbound traffic and engage specific target audiences effectively. These pages are tailored to represent distinct brands, business units, or company initiatives.

To set up a Showcase Page, one can navigate to the company page, click on “Edit,” and select “Create a Showcase Page.” LinkedIn designed these pages with the aim of fostering lasting relationships with particular audiences, making them an ideal tool for B2B lead generation.

Showcase Pages extend your main company page, providing an opportunity to focus on a specific customer segment and offer highly relevant information. They feature a larger header image, increased above-the-fold update posts, and strategic linking back to your main company page, distinguishing them from regular company pages.

For instance, Microsoft uses Showcase Pages to spotlight its Office suite.

Salesforce, being a comprehensive platform, utilizes several Showcase Pages to cater to different facets of their offerings.

To maximize the impact of Showcase Pages, it’s crucial to ensure they are conversion-optimized, mirroring the approach taken with your main company page. Additionally, it’s advised to keep the page name concise to avoid truncation in the display sidebar. Choosing a term that resonates with your target audience in the Showcase Page name is also beneficial.

In essence, Showcase Pages provide an additional avenue to broaden your reach and engage more targeted leads who are keenly interested in your products or services.

  • Advanced Search 

Utilizing LinkedIn’s Advanced Search feature offers a proactive approach to prospecting. While leads may not always come to you, you have the ability to seek them out. Accessing Advanced Search is straightforward. By clicking on the search people icon in the LinkedIn header menu, followed by selecting the advanced option, one gains access to a robust tool for pinpointing specific target demographics.

Even without a premium LinkedIn membership, users have access to a range of filters to refine their search. The central column within Advanced People Search is particularly powerful. It allows users to filter results based on criteria such as location, current company, industry, past company, school, profile language, and nonprofit interests.

For example, a search could be tailored to identify individuals within one’s network located in the Seattle area and associated with the commercial real estate industry. The search outcomes are precise, facilitating direct connection with potential leads.

What sets Advanced Search apart is the ability to further refine results without the need to reconfigure the initial search. The dynamic search filters provide immediate feedback on how adjustments may impact results. This enables users to gain valuable insights into which companies or areas may offer more promising prospects.

It’s worth noting that the depth and quality of one’s personal network significantly influence the likelihood of discovering warm leads. While Advanced Search allows for network-wide searches, the most fruitful leads often stem from individuals with whom one is already connected at a first, second, or third level.

  • Search Groups

Exploring groups on LinkedIn offers an alternative method to pinpointing potential leads. While searching for individuals is an effective approach, delving into groups can yield valuable results.

As of the time of writing, there are a staggering 2,058,816 groups on LinkedIn, indicating a high likelihood of finding a group relevant to your niche. To harness this potential, begin by conducting a group search using pertinent keywords.

It’s worth noting that group searches may not offer the same advanced filters as individual or company searches. However, you can still refine your search based on factors like relationship level, category, and language.

When seeking out groups, consider the following criteria:

  • Relevance: The group should closely align with your target audience and objectives.
  • Activity Level: LinkedIn ranks groups based on their level of engagement. Look for groups labeled as “very active” in the search results.
  • Moderate Size: While there’s no one-size-fits-all rule, consider the nature of your business and niche. Avoid overly large groups where your contributions may get lost, but also steer clear of groups with too few members to make an impact. LinkedIn allows membership in up to 50 groups, so choose wisely.

Identifying and joining groups that meet these criteria can help you effectively nurture leads and establish meaningful connections within your niche. Active participation and engagement in these groups will further enhance your chances of generating valuable leads.

  • Content Creation 

LinkedIn offers a robust content publishing platform that should not be overlooked in your B2B marketing strategy. With the creation of high-quality content, you can shift from outbound marketing—relying on ads to draw attention—to an inbound strategy where you attract users genuinely interested in what you have to offer.

This can be effectively executed in two ways—through individual and company profiles.

  • On a personal level, Marcus Murphy stands as a stellar example of effectively sharing intriguing and engaging posts on the platform. His content strategy has garnered him over 11,000 LinkedIn followers, propelling him to a recognized industry leader. Even his straightforward text post garners dozens of likes, shares, and comments.
  • Shifting to the company perspective, Adobe provides an excellent illustration of effective publishing. Instead of adopting a rigid, corporate tone, Adobe opts to share vibrant and inspiring stories about their employees. This approach draws attention to the brand in a non-invasive manner, without coming across as overly sales-oriented.

If you have access to the publishing feature, don’t miss out on the opportunity for increased exposure. Many LinkedIn members who actively publish report experiencing significant success through this platform.

In Conclusion 

This broad-level strategy provides ample room for refining your approach. LinkedIn stands as an invaluable resource for B2B marketing, offering a wealth of opportunities. However, without the right knowledge, it can easily become just another time-consuming social network.

The next time you’re on LinkedIn, invest at least thirty minutes in conducting advanced searches or exploring groups. You may be pleasantly surprised to uncover at least five promising prospects. This initial effort could very well pave the way for your next significant B2B sale.

For further guidance on maximizing your B2B marketing strategies, consider reaching out to Saffron Edge, experts in utilizing digital platforms for business growth.



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